DocumentInfo docInfo = new DocumentInfo(pdfDocument);


While testing a new function to set PDF metadata, we noticed that when we set the ‘Keywords’ metadata with commas separating each keyword, they are surrounded by double quotes when viewed in Adobe Acrobat. Is this behavior intentional, or is it a bug?

image.png (13.4 KB)

Interestingly, when we view the same metadata using the Metadata Editor. Change Document and Image Properties Online (, the double quotes are not present.

image.png (34.7 KB)

We are running Aspose.PDF 24.7.0 and using the DocumentInfo(pdfDocument) class.

Kind regards,



Since commas are a common delimiter for lists, the PDF viewer may automatically enclose the keyword string in quotes to differentiate it from a comma used as part of the keyword. Also, Adobe Acrobat and other tools may follow certain conventions in displaying metadata, wrapping the keywords in quotes for consistency or to avoid misinterpretation.

We will further investigate this as well if you can please share a sample PDF and complete code snippet with us. We will log an investigation ticket and share the ID with you.


Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

Please refer to the attached image of the console app, which contains the basic code to generate the desired double quotes. Additionally, the input and output documents are provided in the attached.

image.png (19.1 KB)

application.pdf (1.0 MB)

output.pdf (1.1 MB)

Kind regards,



We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PDFNET-58252

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