DocX Error?

We have this corrupt docx file we have used word to fix it however we thought you would want to know.

With Aspose words we get the error type ?? and message of size mismatch: 389;603 <-> 385;603

With Word 97 docx plug in it opens a blank document with no message

With Word 2007 it says it is corrupt but the corrects it (fixed file attached).

Would be useful if an appropriate exception could be thrown so we can inform the user or better stil it could fix it?

Another error also happened when yourightclick on a vista desktop and press new docx file. This create a 0 byte file that errors when put through aspose words.


Thanks for your request.

  1. I created new issue #5045 in our defect database. Also I found that document can be corrected without using MS Word.
    I have done the following steps:
    · Change extension of document to .zip
    · Unzip it
    · Open unzipped folder
    · Select all files inside this folder and zip they again
    · Change extension of created archive to .docx.
    After this document still corrupt to open using MS Words 2007, but Aspose.Words can open it without any issues.
  2. I don’t think that this is bug. Aspose.Words can not detect file format. This empty DOCX file looks like empty TXT. You can create empty text document, change it’s extension to .docx and MS Word will open it as empty DOCX document.
    Best regards.

Thanks for reporting the issue.
There is a problem in the zip archive data. Some zip readers can read it, some cannot. Since MS Word cannot read it too, I don’t plan to fix Aspose.Words to read this invalid file.