Docx File corruption

Sorry for my english.
I use this code to save the file plantilla-genera-mal.docx (using devexpress)

RichEditControlPath1.SaveDocument(FileName, DocumentFormat.OpenXml)

Then I use this code to open:

Dim DocumentoWORD As New Aspose.Words.Document(Canal) ' --> Canal = System.IO.Stream

This produces the next exception:

Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException: The document appears to be corrupted and cannot be loaded. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Referencia a objeto no establecida como instancia de un objeto.
en ⡶.⤫.▇(String ࿠)
en ⡶.⤫.⁨(⡵ ފ, ShapeBase ჯ)
en ⡶.⤫.╈(⡵ ފ)
en ⡶.⤫.ࠆ(⡵ ފ)
en ⡶.⤨.⁨(⡵ ފ, ൄ ቂ)
en ⡶.⤨.ࠆ(⡵ ފ)
en ⡶.⤤.ៅ(⡵ ފ)
en ⡶.⤀.ࠆ(⡵ ފ)
en ⡶.⣿.ៅ(⡵ ފ)
en ⡶.⦲.⦳(⡵ ފ)
en ⡶.⦲.ࠆ(⡵ ފ)
en ⡶.⡵.ࠆ()
en Aspose.Words.Document.ࠛ(Stream َ, LoadFormat ೡ, String ح)
--- Fin del seguimiento de la pila de la excepción interna ---
en Aspose.Words.Document.ࠛ(Stream َ, LoadFormat ೡ, String ح)
en Aspose.Words.Document..ctor(Stream stream)
en IPA.ComponentesWCF.CombinadorWord.Combinar(Stream& Canal, Hashtable FichaTecnica)

But when I open plantilla-genera-mal.docx in Microsoft Word, i make any little change (add an space) and I save the document as plantilla-genera-bien.docx then ASPOSE reads it OK.
I’ve compared the files included in both files and I have see same diferences.
Can you review this and tell me if it’s a bug? Other ideas are wellcome too.
NOTE: I’ve post this question to DEVEXPRESS too.

Thanks for your request. I cannot reproduce the problem on my side. I used the latest version of Aspose.Words for testing. You can download the latest version from here:
Best regards,