Docx format doesn't support 63 cells or more within a row

I understand MS Word doesn’t support creating more than 63 cells within a row.

Below code throws such exception. My question would be is there any sort of things to overcome this exception since it doesn’t allow to generate output document.

Document wordDoc = new Document();

if (wordDoc != null)

Section CurrentSection = new Section(wordDoc);
CurrentSection.AppendChild(new Body(wordDoc));

Table currentTable = new Table(wordDoc);
Row currentTableRow = new Row(wordDoc);

for (int i = 0; i <= 63; i++)
Cell currentCell = new Cell(wordDoc);

Paragraph ph = new Paragraph(wordDoc);
Run rn = new Run(wordDoc, “Testing whether docx is generated”);
wordDoc.Save(“Output_Table.docx”, SaveFormat.Docx);
Hi Manikandan,

Thanks for your inquiry. You are creating the document programmatically. So, please do not add cells more than 62 in a row. You may iterate over table's rows before saving the document and check if any row contains cells more than 62.

Please let us know if you have any more queries.