When generating a single page report the “pageHeader” is displayed below the “title” band instead of in the proper page header.
This is with Aspose.JasperReports 1.5 the newest version. The older version would either display the footer twice or display the header and the footer together as the footer.
Please accept my apologies for late response.
Thanks for your query. It would be great, If you share your jrxml file along with data source for investigation purposes.
Mr. Manzoor,
I was out over the last week and I appreciate your reply attached is a very simple example that reproduces the issue. I’m using JasperReports 3.7.6
Thank you,
I’m not sure why this works, but I’m assuming since the first title page would be a blank page outside of the header that aspose is ignoring it, but when I turn on “Title on a new page” the issue goes away.
Thanks for sharing the jrxml file. I have worked with shared jrxml file and have not found the issue with page header. This is the default behavior of Jasper Reports. Please find the output PDF file with iReprots in attachment.
Hope this answers your query. Please let us know, If you have any more queries.
I don’t use iReports to generate the DOCX, but when I use iReports to generate a preview it also works. Were you able to generate a properly formatted DOCX with actual headers?
The PDF you generated does not contain a header. Could you explain why that is the correct behavior?
Please export the jrxml file to PDF with following line of code, you will face the same behavior as Aspose.Words for JasperReports do.
JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(jasperPrint, “C:\Out.pdf”);
Correct that exports a PDF. I don’t have a problem with the PDF. I have a problem with the DOCX file using the DOCX Exporter.
The title section precedes the page header section. Its contents are printed only once at the beginning of the report. This is the first visible band in the Jasper Report. This band is created only once for the whole report.
The title section precedes the page header section so that is why page header text appears below the Title. Please use “Title on a new page = TRUE” or visit following link for your scenario.
Hope this answers your query. Please let us know, If you have any more queries.
That is a fine workaround and what I’m currently using.
But it still seems your DOCX generation is inconsistent. When the DOCX generator generates the header and you have more then 1 page that header is put into the header. Which is above the title.
But when you only generate a single page the title is put above the header.
These results in my view are fully inconsistent and cause issues for users of your product.
I have tested the scenario and have not found the issue at my side. Please find the output Doc file in attachment.
It would be great, If you please share your jrxml file along with data source and Output Doc file for investigation purposes. Please also share which version of Jasper Reports you are using?