DOCX to HTML conversion - Java


When is Aspose’s DOCX to HTML conversion - Java API expected to be released?


Thank you for your interest in Aspose.Words for Java. I think DOCX import will be released approximately in May.
Best regards.

We are interested in switiching over from a competitor to Aspose but need a firm date when DOCX import for Aspose.Words for Java will be available. Evidently, your May estimate was a bit optimistic (we are in the software development business and realize how difficult estimating release dates can be). Can you provide a more definitive release date at this time?


Thanks for your inquiry. At the moment we are working hard to implement completely new porting technology. With this technology we will be able to porting all Aspose.Words for .Net functionality to the next Java release. And all subsequent Aspose.Words for Java releases will be synchronized with .Net ones. Ours target for this completely new project is end of June.
Best regards.

Sorry end of June is unlikely. One way or another we hope to have it this year. That’s the best estimate I could give.