I am currently evaluating Aspose Word for Java.
Hi Viraf,
Thanks for your inquiry. You need to set the locale for the merge fields in your document using the FieldUpdateCultureSource property. This way you can set the appropriate language settings in the source document without being required to change the default locale for your application.
Please see this page for details: http://docs.aspose.com/display/wordsnet/How+to+Update+Fields
Thanks - I actually was asking a number of questions. Going through the forum I see that RTL in Arabic is an issue. I discovered the IMailMergeDataSource and am currently experimenting with it.
- When I do a mail merge, I want each record to be saved as a separate output document, rather than having the output be a single document. Is there a way to do that ?
- I noticed that the performance is quite poor - it takes approx 2.2 seconds on my machine to read a word document, mail merge (1 record) and save it as a PDF. So to generate 100K documents it will take approx 61 hours when I have 1 to 2 hours for this. I am hoping that I am doing something wrong - maybe some benchmarks if you have them would be great.
- I have noticed that fonts are being embedded in the output PDF, thus the output file size is large (and possibly a contributor to the performance). I tried playing with PdfSaveOptions with no avail.
Hi Viraf,
Thanks for sharing the more information.
- RTL in Arabic is an issue. We had already logged this feature request as WORDSNET-1980 in our issue tracking system. I have linked this thread to appropriate feature and you will be notified via this forum thread once this feature is available.
- You can save document with each records by using IMailMergeDataSource. Please loop through all records and pass each record as data source to ExecuteWithRegions method. Please read this post for your kind reference.
- Regarding your last two questions, Please share your template document along with data source (CSV/XML etc) for investigation purposes.
Thanks - I tried using mailmerge option 2 in a loop - processing time for 1000 documents dropped to 32ms on average each. I suspect the time in the first example was largely related to initial load / parsing of the word document. However for single requests 2.2 seconds is still long. Will provide sample document code downstream.
- Does the DOCX to PDF conversion convert MERGEFIELDs to Acro FORM fields?
- Does the DOCX to PDF conversion support Form fields in a DOCX document ?
- If there an efficient means to convert DOCX to PDF Document (in memory representation rather then streaming and reloading) ?
- Does the DOCX or PDF Document have a lighter memory footprint (in case I want to cache the template)
- What is the most efficient means to insert a barcode ? I tried specifying a barcode font for a MERGEFIELD in the DOCX but it did not render correctly. Would it be more efficent to generate the barcode in the DOCX and then save to PDF or create a in-memory representation of the PDF and then insert thee barcode ?
Hi Viraf,
Thanks for sharing the information. Regarding your first two questions (Docx to PDF conversion), Aspose.Words mimics the same behavior as MS Word do. Please use Aspose.Pdf to work with form fields in PDF. You can post such queries at Aspose.Pdf forum.
Please share some more information about your question 3, 4, 5 and 6.
- Does the DOCX to PDF conversion convert MERGEFIELDs to Acro FORM fields?
- Does the DOCX to PDF conversion support Form fields in a DOCX document ?
- If there an efficient means to convert DOCX to PDF Document (in memory representation rather then streaming and reloading) ?
- Does the DOCX or PDF Document have a lighter memory footprint (in case I want to cache the template)
- What
is the most efficient means to insert a barcode ? I tried specifying a
barcode font for a MERGEFIELD in the DOCX but it did not render
correctly. Would it be more efficent to generate the barcode in the
DOCX and then save to PDF or create a in-memory representation of the
PDF and then insert thee barcode ? - Please let me know how to reuse a form template for multiple records.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-1980) have been fixed in this .NET update and this Java update.
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