Docx to pdf converter issue

Dear team,

We are converting docx to pdf, while we are converting we are facing some quality and some content missing issue please find below source code and input and output files

Aspose word version: 22.4
Aspose pdf version: 22.3

Source code :

Document doc = new Document("D:\\AIE_Samples\\IssueFile\\Testing\\8\\Bookmark1.docx");"D:\\AIE_Samples\\IssueFile\\Testing\\8\\Bookmark1.pdf", SaveFormat.PDF);

Input Docx : Bookmark1.docx (40.4 KB)

Output pdf : Bookmark1.pdf (80.2 KB)

please do needful

@e503824 For a more precise correction, please, specify what shortcomings in chart conversion shall be corrected. I noticed an extra frame. Is there anything else?

we are using aspose java

@e503824 We have reproduced and logged the issue as WORDSNET-23944. We will keep you informed and let you know once it has been resolved. We apologize for your inconvenience.

anything possible to do it in aspose java its little bit urgent

@e503824 I have logged this problem in our issue tracking system. Our developers will need time to check the issue and provide you more information. Please be patient.

can I get any update regarding this

@e503824 The current status of the issue is “In Analysis”. You will be notified via this forum thread once this issue has been resolved.

Dear team,

Can I get update regarding this

@e503824 Our developers are working on the fix for this issue. The current status of the issue is “In Analysis”. We will keep you informed and let you know once it has been resolved.

Dear team,

Can I get any update regarding this issue

@e503824 Unfortunately, the issue is not yet scheduled for development. We will keep you informed and let you know once it is resolved.

Dear team,

please update

@e503824 Unfortunately, There are no news regarding this issue yet. We will be sure to inform you once there are some news.

Dear team,

We are facing many issue regarding this, please help me to resolve

and we are using aspose java but here mentioned WORDSNET-23944 for DOTNET please do needful team

@e503824 Unfortunately, the issue is not yet scheduled for development. So currently we cannot provide you any estimate regarding it.
Aspose.Words for Java is auto-ported from .NET version of Aspose.Words so all fixes made in .NET version are automatically ported into Java version.