Docx to pdf coversion issues

Hi, I am triyng to convert a docx fie, a mix of letters in English, Arabic and special characters and didn’t get a good result. Row and page breaks are not the same. In addition, some special characters are missing in the converted pdf file (you can see the differences in “Vowels and Diphthongs” section for example). (143.7 KB)

Can you please help me to configure it for best conversion?


We tested the scenarios and have managed to reproduce the same problems on our end. For the sake of corrections, we have logged the following issues in our issue tracking system.

WORDSNET-19034: Incorrect Row and Page breaks in PDF
WORDSNET-19035: Some special characters are missing in the converted pdf file

We will further look into the details of these issues and will keep you updated on the status of corrections. We apologize for your inconvenience.

Any update for this issue?

@squareone Unfortunately, bot issue reported in this topic have been postponed and are not yet scheduled for development.

Could you please attach your problematic documents (both input and output) here for testing? We will check the issue and provide you more information.

A post was split to a new topic: Arabic content is wrapped improperly upon rendering