DOCX to PDF render problem of Tone markers in Thai language

In Thai language there are some vowels and tone markers which would be positioned above a letter. In combination of said vowel and tone marker; tone marker should be placed higher to avoid overlapping with vowel but Aspose.Words PDF converter didn’t do that like MS Word.

Here are files that should help you investigate and fix the problem.

“Problem1.docx” (within zip) = Sample document to show possible combination of problem vowels and tone markers.
“Problem1.pdf” = PDF generated from DOCX using Aspose.Words

“Problem1 - Expect - Actual.JPG” = illustrates the expected (in MS Word) and actual result (PDF generated by Aspose.Words)

Letter.JPG = sample Thai letter used in Problem1.docx, unicode=0E01
Vowel.JPG = some problem vowels, unicode=0E34, 0E35, 0E36, 0E37, 0E33, 0E31 (in the same order as in Problem1.docx)
ToneMarker.JPG = all tone markers, unicode=0E48, 0E49, 0E4A, 0E4B, 0E4C, that you should place them higher when combine with problem vowels

If you don’t have “Cordia New” font to test. Try Tahoma or Microsoft Sans Serif. (28.9 KB)
Problem1.pdf (21.1 KB)
Problem1 - Expect - Actual.JPG (93.0 KB)
Letter.JPG (45.1 KB)
Vowel.JPG (46.2 KB)
ToneMarker.JPG (47.3 KB)


Thanks for your inquiry. We have tested the scenario using latest version of Aspose.Words for .NET 17.10 and have not found the shared issue. Please use Aspose.Words for .NET 17.10. We have attached the output PDF with this post for your kind reference. 17.10.pdf (28.4 KB)

I already use the latest version 17.10. It looks like our render engine doesn’t behave the same way.
Any cultural related settings can I turn off ?
BTW, which font do you use ?


Thanks for your inquiry. Please note that Aspose.Words requires TrueType fonts when rendering documents to fixed-page formats (JPEG, PNG, PDF or XPS). You need to install fonts that are used in your document on the machine where you’re converting documents to PDF. Please refer to the following article:

How Aspose.Words Uses True Type Fonts

Please check the attached image for fonts in PDF. fonts.png (30.4 KB)