Does Apose.Slides support to simulate StrikeThrough and OverLine in PPT?

I’m working in a project that uses Apose.Slides to render PPT from HTML. I known PPT does not support StrikeThrough and OverLine.
Does Apose.Slides has way to simulate StrikeThrough and OverLine in PPT? If not, how can I overcome this task?


You can draw a line over or above the TextFrame. To draw a line over, use Slide.Shapes.AddLine method, where X will goes from TextFrame.X till TextFrame.X + TextFrame.Width and Y will remain same i.e TextFrame.Y

To draw line above, use the coordinates (TextFrame.X, TextFrame.Y + TextFrame.Height/2) to (TextFrame.X + TextFrame.Width, TextFrame.Y + TextFrame.Height/2)

The only condition is that you use separate textframes for each line of text. Also if you want to strikethrough or overline a single word then use a separate textframe for it too.