I am using aspose cell 23.8 for java. I am using Workbook.calculateFormula() to calculate all formulas in my workbook. I have this dynamic array formula:
=IFERROR(CHOOSECOLS(FILTER(Table1[[Scenario ID]:[KeyComment]],(Table1[Scenario ID]=J$3)(Table1[Excluded for all]=0)(Table1[Excluded]=1)),{2,6}),“”) in cell A1
Which basically filters Table1 based on certains conditions and an id and copies all rows from the Table1 that match the condition.
However when I generate the report from my code. Only one cell is populated, it is expected a whole array of table to be populated from cell A1. This formula works fine in Excel.
Does aspose support calculation of these dynamic array formulas? Let me know if you have any other solutions.
Vineet K.