Does Aspose.PDF include font license while convert html to pdf


We want to use some free fonts such as “Noto Sans Thai” while converting html to pdf. Does Aspose.PDF will include the license when you distribute pdf? If not, how can we include these license into it? Do you have some suggestions? Looking forward to your suggestions, many thanks.


The Aspose.PDF does not include license of the fonts. In case you are using fonts without license, the API may throw an exception depending upon the restrictions offered by fonts.

New flag Aspose.Pdf.Document.DisableFontLicenseVerifications was added to help embed fonts for cases like this.

This flag is used to disable any license restrictions for all fonts in current PDF document. But when it is set, it means that person who sets this flag, takes all responsibility of possible license/law violations on himself. So it is strongly recommended to use this flag only when you are fully confident that you are not breaking the copyright law.