When attempting to run Aspose.Slides.Net 23.7.0 using the downloaded cross platform dll I get the following error:
Unhandled exception. System.PlatformNotSupportedException: osx.13-arm64, Arm64
at .(String , Assembly , Nullable`1 )
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.NativeLibrary.LoadLibraryCallbackStub(String libraryName, Assembly assembly, Boolean hasDllImportSearchPathFlags, UInt32 dllImportSearchPathFlags)
at .a(Int32 a, Int32 b, Int32 c, IntPtr& d)
at .(Size , )
at .(Size )
at Aspose.Slides.Slide.GetThumbnail(Size imageSize)
at , IPresentation )
at Presentation , Stream , , IPptxOptions, InterruptionToken )
at Aspose.Slides.Presentation.(Stream , , IPptxOptions )
at Aspose.Slides.Presentation.Save(Stream stream, SaveFormat format, ISaveOptions options)
at Aspose.Slides.Presentation.Save(String fname, SaveFormat format)
at Program.$(String[] args) in /Users/erude/apps/aspose.tests/slides.save/Program.cs:line 11
Does Aspose.Slides support ARM on OSX / Linux?