Does Aspose words support injecting HTML into output i.e. ie Word doc > ASPOSE API > HTML output with (extra HTML added)?

Does Aspose words support injecting HTML into output i.e. ie Word doc > ASPOSE API > HTML output with (extra HTML added)?

Assistant: connected
ashish: how to send email to aspose support for technical queries
Assistant: Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. May I know your name please?
ashish: ashish
Assistant: Please provide your email address, this will help our team to reach back.
Assistant: Thank you for providing your details. You can always type “forget me” to remove these details.
Assistant: :wave:, ashish! This is Aspose Assistant.
Assistant: Please let me know how can I help you today?
ashish: i need aspose support email address for sending some technical query email
Assistant: Thanks for asking question. I’ll be forwarding your query to our technical support department.
Assistant: Do you want to include any more details before I generate a support ticket for you.
ashish: n
ashish: no
Assistant: ashish, one last thing before I move forward. Please provide an appropriate subject line for your support ticket.
ashish: Does Aspose words support injecting HTML into output i.e. ie Word doc > ASPOSE API > HTML output with (extra HTML added)?
Assistant: One moment please, generating support ticket.


Yes. The following C# code example shows how to insert HTML content into a Word document by using a Document Builder.

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

const string html = "<P align='right'>Paragraph right</P>" + "<b>Implicit paragraph left</b>" +
                    "<div align='center'>Div center</div>" + "<h1 align='left'>Heading 1 left.</h1>";



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