Double-sided printing and end of job marker?

Is there a way to embed an end-of-job marker in a PDF file so that IF the PDF file is printed double-sided, Adobe knows to print an extra blank sheet (or send end of job to the printer) such that the start of the next job within the PDF isn't on the back side of the last page of the previous job?  I'm trying to avoid having to ask the user if they're going to be printing double-sided and manually inserting blank pages if so.  Thanks.

Aaron Buhr
Fidelity Information Services

Dear Aaron,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

Sorry this feature is not supported and I am afraid we can't support it in short time.

Do you know if this feature (of blank sheet insert) is available now?

Hi Mike,

Thanks for your inquiry. You can easily add a blank page at end of Pdf document using Aspose.Pdf. Please check following documentation link for details/code snippet.

Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance.

Best Regards,