I am trying to install and configure this aspose pdf in PHP vai java, I have done the setup but facing an issue in executing the “Aspose.PDF-for-Java_for_PHP” example.
This below link use to configure setup -
error message -
Message java.lang.RuntimeException: PHP Warning: Undefined property: java_Client::$protocol in /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/JavaBridge/java/Java.inc on line 557
It looks like a common issue in PHP/Java Bridge. Can you please make sure that you don’t have any typos or misspellings in your code, or if the Java class that you are trying to use is present on the server side. You can also make a local copy of Java.inc instead of acquiring it from remote. You can also search over internet to configure PHP/Java correctly in your environment. We hope that shared information helps.