Downsample Resolution & Resolution Threshold

We are using the downsample resolution and resolution Threshold in our apps.
we would like to know the range for this resolution and resolution threshold propertly for the downsample options?


Kindly share the complete details of the scenario, e.g. you are converting the PDF document to an image and require to set the resolution. Your response is awaited.

Below is my code to read the download options .
I know the default value for resolution is 220 and Resolution Threshold default value is 0.
I would like to know whether is there any specific range can be set up for Resolution and Resolution Threshold. Please let me know.

This is in a class: public bool downSampleImages { get; set; } public int resolution { get; set; }
public int resolutionThreshold { get; set; }

PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();
options.DownsampleOptions.DownsampleImages = asposeSettings.downSampleImages;
options.DownsampleOptions.Resolution = asposeSettings.resolution;
options . DownsampleOptions.ResolutionThreshold = asposeSettings.resolutionThreshold;


Kindly let us know which Aspose.Pdf for .NET API version you are using. Your response is awaited.