Dropdown are not getting converted in label while converting .docx to pdf by aspose.word

we are converting document first in byte saving in database ,while conversion to pdf reading data from database and converting it in stream .
Later passing stream to document save method of aspose.words to convert it in pdf but in pdf still can see the dropdown
Error 2 - Drop down lists open of editing in PDF version - VAL-01263 Source.docx (132.8 KB)

Error 2 - Drop down lists open of editing in PDF version - VAL-01263 PDF.pdf (200.1 KB)

@Priyanka.Barsaiyan Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the problem on my side. I have used the latest 23.11 version of Aspose.Words and the following simple cod for testing:

Document doc = new Document(@"C:\Temp\in.docx");

Here is the produced output:
out.pdf (84.5 KB)

If possible, please provide a simple code that will allow us to reproduce the problem.