Dwg转成pdf文件 使用原色画笔 文字和样式有缺失

用了19.7版本和17.4版本 都有问题

InputStream in = new FileInputStream(dwg);
CadImage cadImage = (CadImage) Image.load(in);
for(Object style : cadImage.getStyles())
// Set the font name SimHei
CadRasterizationOptions rasterizationOptions = new CadRasterizationOptions();
rasterizationOptions.setPageSize(new SizeF(1200,1200));//
rasterizationOptions.setLayouts(new String[] {“Model”});
// Create an instance of PdfOptions
PdfOptions pdfOptions = new PdfOptions();
// Set the VectorRasterizationOptions property
期望是可以用彩版画笔test.zip (380.1 KB)


I have worked with sample file shared by you and have been able to observe the issue. An issue with ID CADJAVA-575 has been created in our issue tracking system to investigate and resolve the issue. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be notified once the issue will be fixed.

@Adnan.Ahmad Thanks & Regards


You are very welcome.