DWG to SVG Not working!

Please I have been trying for quite a while now and nothing seems to work,
The dwg to pdf is working but not to svg
com.aspose.cad.Image objImage = com.aspose.cad.Image.load(selectedFile.getAbsolutePath());

                SvgOptions svgOpts = new SvgOptions();
                objImage.save(selectedFile.getParent() + "/Saved.svg", svgOpts);

And the error : Exception in SVG Exporter!
Cannot invoke “com.aspose.cad.internal.e.l.e()” because the return value of “com.aspose.cad.internal.p.r.l()” is null

Please help this is for my bachelor and I need it urgently please

Please attach the initial DWG so we can reproduce the issue.