DXF to EMF Losing Arrowheads on Leaders

We are using Aspose to convert a DXF file to EMF. Upon conversion we are losing arrowheads on “leaders” only. There is no issue with arrowheads being converted on any other standard dimensioning. They are ONLY being lost on leaders. Any help would be appreciated.

could you please share test file with such leader, so we can reproduce?

I’ve attached the dxf file that I’m converting along with the resulting emf file that does not have arrowheads on the leaders. The leaders in question are on the notes beginning with “Interior Side” and “Exterior Side”.

A010001071_1.zip (27.1 KB)

the original file does not contain visible arrows for these leaders also, please see the attached example. We have tested few applications and none of them shows arrows for leaders.
original.png (30.8 KB)

But the arrows are set for those leaders and ignored as they are too big - the lengths of the first segment in leaders are about 0.34, and the maximum size of the arrows allowed is less than a half of this segment. Now arrow sizes are 0.1875 and AutoCAD seems to remove them immediately. If you set size of the arrows less than a half - the arrows appear in AutoCAD, and the resaved drawing exported with Aspose.CAD contains these arrows also.

So are you saying the original dxf file is not showing any arrows when you open it directly? Which software did you open it from? I have attached a version of the dxf with screenshots of it open in AutoCAD, Creo 8, and Creo 9. In all 3 softwares, the leaders have arrows.

NewDXF.zip (164.6 KB)

here are my screenshots for the previous file:
previous file.zip (187.8 KB)

But the setting for leaders in your latest file are definitely different, arrows indeed appear for both in all software, I can confirm also that after the export with Aspose.CAD to EMF the arrows are missing. We have created CADNET-10030 to find the reason for this and fix it.

Is there a rough estimate as to how long a solution may take to implement? And is there any way for me to track this issue (CADNET-10030)?

we hope to have more information about the complexity of this problem and time to deliver during next few days, I will update this post. You can see the status of the issue at the bottom of this page, it is attached to current thread.

we are going to include the fix for arrowheads in 25.2 version that is expected at the end of February.