Dynamic formula Sum and ##group

I am adding a dynamic formula ie(&=&=sum(G5:G{-1}) within a tabular report. My problem is I dont want to specify G5 as the starting point of my sum formula. I am using ##group so the SUM formula should only sum the particular column data within the group.



We support only dynamic formula with different columns in same row now, for exmaple &=&=D{r}*S{r}. We've been doing work on supporting dynamic formula with same column in different rows ,just like your requirement and plan on finishing our work in one week. As soon as we finish the work ,we will deliver you a fix.

Thank you.

Hi,dpman1075 ,

Please try the fix and I am hopefull that It will meet your requirement.

The attachment contains four files:

1. Aspose.Cells.ReportingServices.msi: install file

2. DynamicFormula.doc help document

3 Employee Sales Summary_aspose.rdl example template

4 Employee Sales Summary_aspose.xls report output file

Thank you.

Thanks for the fix. I have added the new formulas to one report with no problems. I will let you know if I have any problems. Once again, thanks and Great job.