Edit Header

I want to change a cell in the table which is located the header. When I use the replace method it does not put new line, so I can not use this method. I try use DocumentBuilder instance, I move it to begining of the table but I want to reach row 1 cell 0. How can I edit and put new line into the cell? Regards,

Thanks for your request. Could you please attach your input and expected output here for testing? I will investigate it on my side and provide you more information.
Best regards,

Hello Andrey,
I actually solve my problem. I get the child node then move cursor to this node and write document code. Thank you for your help, regards,
Melis Dincer

Node n = cell.getFirstChild();

It is perfect, that you already found the solution. If you need more assistance, I will be glad to help you.
Best regards,