Effect of Locale on Default Spacing - Word to PDF Conversion

We used as bellow code convet word document to PDF doctument .

Aspose.Words.LoadOptions lo = new Aspose.Words.LoadOptions();

                lo.MswVersion = Aspose.Words.Settings.MsWordVersion.Word2016;

                Aspose.Words.Document doc = new Aspose.Words.Document(sourcePath, lo);

                doc.Save(targetPath, Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Pdf);

The converd result:
The origin.zip include the origin word document ,the result.docx.pdf.zip include the convert resutl file.
One-page Word document turned into a two-page PDF document。result.docx.pdf (84.4 KB)
result.docx.pdf.zip (82.7 KB)
origin.zip (13.8 KB)


Please also convert this Word document (origin.docx) to PDF format by using MS Word in your environment end and attach the MS Word generated PDF file here for further testing. Thanks for your cooperation.

The test rust is OK for MS word save as PDF .
Please refence the test rult.msrsult.zip (143.3 KB)


Thanks for the additional information. We tested the scenario and have managed to reproduce the same problem on our end. For the sake of correction, we have logged this problem in our issue tracking system. The ID of this issue is WORDSNET-19588. We will further look into the details of this problem and will keep you updated on the status of correction. We apologize for your inconvenience.

Our purchase aspose.Total for .Net agreement lisence expires on 12.4 and hopes to be resolved as soon as possible.


I am afraid, your issue (WORDSNET-19588) is currently ‘pending for analysis’ and is in the queue. We will inform you via this thread as soon as this issue will be resolved in future. We apologize for your inconvenience.


We have good news for you i.e. WORDSNET-19588 has now been resolved. The fix of this issue will be included in the 20.1 (next version) of Aspose.Words. We will inform you via this thread as soon as the next version containing the fix of your issue will be released at the start of next month.

Set Editing Language Preferences during Word to PDF Conversion

Also, the following example explains how to use preferred language when opening a document and saving it to PDF:

LoadOptions lo = new LoadOptions();
lo.LanguagePreferences.DefaultEditingLanguage = EditingLanguage.ChineseMacao;
new Document(@"X:\input.docx", lo).Save(@"X:\output.pdf", SaveFormat.Pdf);

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-19588) have been fixed in this Aspose.Words for .NET 20.1 update and this Aspose.Words for Java 20.1 update.