Effects on Images added on PowerPoint generate Error message

Hi Everyone!

We are currently facing some odd error messages when on a Presentation we add an image and then add image effects to them.
The resulting powepoint after going through the library throws the error below:
image001.jpg (19.4 KB)

If we remove the effects from the images or pre-correct them with other software this problem does not occur.
Any insights into this would be greatly appreciated


I have observed the image shared by you and request you to please share the source presentation, generated presentation, used sample code and source image with us. We will be able to investigate the issue further on our end on provision of requested information.

Hello and thank you for getting back to me. Attached you will find the input PPT and also the Output PPT.
The Output one contains the error when it is opened.
On the Input PPT you will also see the images and their effects applied to make them look grey.

In addition, I am also attaching the corrected files on our side, so that you can compare in case this helps.

The code snippet:

int i = 1;
for (String filename: modules) {
Presentation from = new Presentation(filename);

for (IShape shape : from.getSlides().get_Item(0).getSlide().getShapes()) {
    IShape clonedShape = to.getSlides().get_Item(0).getSlide().getShapes().addClone(shape,
            shape.getX() + frontLayout.getX(i),
            shape.getY() + frontLayout.getY(i),



BestASPOSE.zip (629.8 KB)


Thank you for sharing the information. I have observed Output.pptx on my end and have been able to observe error message on my end. However, I am unable to use the sample code as it is partial code. Can you please provide a working sample code reproducing the issue on your end. I am also assuming that you are using latest Aspose.Slides for Java 17.10 on your end.