Email Notification of Blog additions


I noticed the "Email" link on the left hand side of the page on all the Blog pages and said "Great! Now I can get emails when a developer releases a new version of Aspose.Powerpoint." To enable this, I click on the "Email" link and go to a page with the label "Blog Email Subscriptions". I select "New posts, articles and comments" and then hit "Update Blog Settings". However, I never seem to ever get any emails when new blog entries are added.

Am I confused about what the Email Subscriptions should do?

Thank you,
Randy Stegbauer

Hello Randy,

I have logged your report into my list of items to fix. However I have a few big project that are ahead of it. I will post here when it is fixed.

Hey Randy,

Thank you for your posts and for reporting the error. We’ve got some larger changes being made to our online purchase system and that has been monopolizing our web team’s time. I wanted to share that resolving the error is important to us and we will try to derive a solution as soon as possible. In the interim, I just posted a Blog article that may be of help:

It may be information you are already aware of; however, I wanted to share in case not. Thanks again!