Embed an Object using Words

Hi There
One of our requirements for a client is the ability to be able to embed files into a Word Document during generation. I have downloaded and used the demo but could not find such an option on the Document or DocumentBuilder objects.
As you know in Word to embed a file you do it via Insert->Object->Create From File You can also display it as an icon as well.
Does Aspose.Words support this functionality to embed different kinds of files programmatically at un time?

Aspose.Words preserves embedded objects (that is existing embedded objects will remain in the document after open-save), but there are no plans to allow inserting new embedded objects at this time.

I can’t find anything anywhere on the web in VS.NET that allows you to do this either. Some old COM Object Binder object was the closest I got but we’re not prepared to go down this path.
Can I please put this in as a request for a future version? If you guys make this possible to be done (in an easy way) you’ll be the first ones to do it and this product will be even more attractive.

This is already in our list of planned features but I can’t promise we will implement it anytime soon. Thank you for understanding.


Does this feature now exist? I don’t yet see it in the API.


Unfortunately no, Aspose.Words doesn’t allow to insert OLE objects into the document.
Best regards,