Embedded audio frames: what file format are they?

Aspose slides seems to provide great hooks for extracting embedded audio from a PowerPoint file. It's as simple as :

AudioFrame af= (AudioFrame)slide.get(1);
byte[] audioData = af.getAudioData();


My question is: what format is this audio data in? Is it an mp3 file? (I doubt it ;->). What kind of suffix should I append to the filename when I save it to disk?

I realize this is as much a Microsoft PowerPoint question as an aspose question, but I'm sure that Alexey knows the answer. ;->

Actually, a more fundamental problem has raised it's head: the byte array returned by getAudioData seems to be null?

Zip file with test ppt and simple java test is attached.

Alexy, any word on this?

What I’m trying to do is extract embedded audio from a powerpoint file. Is this possible using aspose? If so, then what am I doing wrong?


Hmm… I remember, I answered this post.

Your presentation contains 2 slides with audio frames.
First slide contains embedded audio and you can read audio data with getAudioData() function.
Second slide has link to the mp3 file only. And you can read file name with getFileName().

AudioFrame.isEmbedded() checks whether the audio file embedded to a slide.


I posted a similar question yesterday, but I was told that the Aspose support team would let me know the solution soon. Now, after I read this posting, I realized that the original poster had the same problem. I have a presentation (powerpoint file) with six slides. One of them has an embedded audio file. I was able to detect audioframe, but when I use audioFrame.isEmbedded, it always returns false. Then, I also tried to get the byte from the audioframe, but it is always null. Is this a bug in Aspose?
Please let me know. If you want, I can attach my powerpoint.
