In Aspose.Words 22.9.0, the embedded objects in DOCX can be rendered to SVGs in HTML with HtmlSaveOptions.ExportShapesAsSvg = true. However, it stopped working with Aspose.Words 22.12.0, where the objects are converted to PNG.
var doc = new Document(@".\embedded.docx");
var options = new HtmlSaveOptions() { ExportShapesAsSvg = true };
doc.Save(@".\out.html", options);
I understood some fixes were added to ensure all shapes are converted to SVG (Some charts are converted as PNG even if HtmlSaveOptions.ExportShapesAsSvg is true - #3 by vadim.saltykov ). Even if the mentioned shapes in the linked ticket were fixed, some existing shapes that already worked with SVG are now not working anymore.
I’ve attached the test file and the outputs from both versions for your reference. Could you please help to take a look?
test.zip (30.2 KB)