I am assuming you are using the method described here to convert your EML file to TIFF (EML → MHTML → DOC → TIFF). Could you please confirm or share your code example?
With Aspose.Email 21.10 and Aspose.Words 21.11, I used the following code example:
using (var mailMessage = MailMessage.Load("CustomerSampleEmail.eml"))
var messageStream = new MemoryStream();
var saveOptions = SaveOptions.DefaultMhtml;
saveOptions.MhtFormatOptions = MhtFormatOptions.WriteHeader;
mailMessage.Save(messageStream, saveOptions);
messageStream.Position = 0;
var wordDocument = new Document(messageStream);
wordDocument.Save("CustomerSampleEmail_out.tiff", SaveFormat.Tiff);
I have used above code as it is and it is working at my end.
in the output it is showing only evaluation purpose . so where I can get official fix (Production dlls) so I can merge those in our code.
If I understand correctly, you are using the evaluation version of Aspose.Email and/or Aspose.Words. To get a version without limitations, evaluation messages and watermarks, you can obtain a license by contacting Aspose.Purchase forum.