We are using Aspose 21.9.0 and noticed that emojis are not correctly displayed after saving the diagram back to vsdx file.
Here is the code we are using:
using (var diagram = new Aspose.Diagram.Diagram("VisioFiles\\HeaderFooterFieldCommentPagesAltTextWithEmojis.vsdx"))
diagram.Save("HeaderFooterFieldCommentPagesAltTextWithEmojis_target.vsdx", Aspose.Diagram.SaveFileFormat.Vsdx);
The Alt-Text with emojis is configured for the first page. The field points to the document’s manager field. The comment is attached to the shape present on the first page.
I attached the file we are using in the code sample as the source.
HeaderFooterFieldCommentPagesAltTextWithEmojis.zip (21.1 KB)