Empty pdf-document on conversion (possible x64-problem)


I have developed a word2pdf conversion for my client but we have a problem where some of the documents being converted end up with a 2 kb file which when opened by Acrobat Reader gives the error:

File does not begin with ‘%PDF-’.

I have attached four documents which i load with Words, convert using and concatenate with Pdf.Kit All .net version and I load from a SPFileStream (from Sharepoint), keep it in MemoryStream until I upload it to Sharepoint again.

The big problem regarding testing this is that on my devbox this conversion goes well but on my client’s production server it generates the above mentioned error. The only difference I can think of is that the production server is x64 whereas my devbox is x86.

I hope you can shed some light on my problem

Further testing shows that the concatenation fails due to one of the documents not having the pdf head signature

Thank you for your inquiry.
Each of these documents can be converted to PDF without issues. If the problem comes up after concatenation then the question should be asked in Aspose.Pdf.Kit forum:
If you are sure that one of the PDF documents gets corrupted then it is an issue with Aspose.Pdf:
Please check whether PDF documents after conversion and before concatenation are okay. You can also attach them here: four PDF parts and the resulting PDF document. Let us know if you can note any particular details. I’ll ask our colleagues for help if needed.