I have a Visio file with some shapes in that have properties that are not populated (see the image and attached Visio file in zip)
image.png (46.9 KB)
FlowDiagram_1.zip (29.4 KB)
When I create an Aspose Diagram from the file and get the properties the value of some of the unpopulated properties is returned as “0”. In the previous version we were using (21.7) they did not have this behaviour, they returned an empty string as expected. Is the change deliberate? Is there a way for me to determine if they are empty?
Thanks, Zoe
Example C# code to reproduce:
var diagram = new Diagram(@“C:\temp\FlowDiagram_1.vsdx”);
var endShape = diagram.Pages[0].Shapes.GetShape(“Start/End.5”);
var eCost = endShape.Props.GetProp(“Cost”).Value.Val; // Returns “0.000GBP” but expect an empty string
var eProcNum = endShape.Props.GetProp(“ProcessNumber”).Value.Val; // Returns “0” but expect an empty string
var eOwner = endShape.Props.GetProp(“Owner”).Value.Val; // Returns “0” but expect an empty string