EPS file in image ( shape) in Word document


After POC, my company able to acquire few licenses of Aspose.Word, I am developer primarily working on replacing document generation from WinWord based template generation to Aspose.

In word we can bind the eps based image directly to Shape SDT control, however same is not happening for Aspose (though I able to bind jpg, png file using ImageData.SetImage(@“c:\temp\test1.jpg”);).

Could you please help me with above thanks.

@alokgupta Unfortunately, Aspose.Words does not support inserting EPS images. This feature request is logged as WORDSNET-2965. We will keep you informed and ley you know once it is implemented.
For now, you can use Aspose.Imaging to convert EPS image to PNG, JPEG or EMF and than insert the resulting image into the document using Aspose.Words.

Thank you I have additional question, currently when we save document as pdf, the version seems to Acrobat 6.0 (PDF 1.5), is way to save file for Acrobat 5.0 (PDF 1.4) for providing backward compatibility? thanks

@alokgupta Unfortunately, there is no way to save document as PDF 1.4. This version is obsolete. In the recent versions of Aspose.Words you can save PDF 1.7 or higher. Please see PdfCompliance enum for more information.