EPS images converted to PNG are distorted


After the last update, some EPS images are distorted after conversion to PNG:

images.zip (3.4 MB)

The code I’m using:

PsDocument document = new PsDocument("input.eps");
ImageSaveOptions options = new ImageSaveOptions();
byte[] image = document.saveAsImage(options)[0];

File outputFile = new File("output.png");
try (FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile)) {


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Issue ID(s): PAGEJAVA-283

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We have tested using 24.4 version of the API as it was re-deployed and we could not replicate the distortion issue. Outputs are also attached for your kind reference. Can you please confirm if you are still noticing the issue?
hamburger.png (102.3 KB)

pies.png (3.9 KB)

witch.png (100.6 KB)

Hi @asad.ai,
We have upgraded aspose.page version to 24.5 (the latest available) and we are still seeing distorted images. Could you please double check? We are using the same code snippet as provided above.


Please allow us to investigate this further and we will let you know after doing the analysis.