Equation not picked up with visitor


I have a problem with visiting OfficeMath object in the attached “Equation.doc” file, it is not picked up with DocumentVisitor. I wrote a code for testing witch is also attached to the post. Please take a look at this.


Hi Zeljko,

Thanks for your inquiry. Your document does not contain the OfficeMath nodes. Please check the attached DOM image for detail. I have attached a sample document which contain OfficeMath nodes. Please use your code with attached document to check the OfficeMath nodes.

Hi Tahir,

if it does not contain OfficeMath nodes it still has an editable equation. Does it mean that DocumentVisitor do not support checking for Equation 3.0 nodes?


Hi Zeljko,

Thanks for your inquiry.
For Equation.3, please use visitShapeStart and visitShapeEnd methods. Please let us know if you have any more queries.

public class EquationVisitor extends DocumentVisitor {
    public EquationVisitor() {
    public int visitShapeStart(Shape shape) throws Exception
        System.out.println("visit ShapeStart");
        return VisitorAction.CONTINUE;
    public int visitShapeEnd(Shape shape) throws Exception
        System.out.println("visit ShapeEnd");
        return VisitorAction.CONTINUE;

Hi Tahir,

and thanks, that’s all for now.

Kind regards,