Error 135 in secure document in adobe 6.01


I am getting an error when I try to view some generated pdfs in adobe reader 6.0.1. The problem goes away if I turn off security.

It seems to happen with pages with web links on them, if I remove the link it works ok. What happens is the pdf loads up ok and as you page through it and get to a page with a problem you get the error 135 message and the page is replaced with a blank page.

I've seen a few posts with similar info, but they seemed old and I can't work out if a definitive solution has been posted.

I've attached a sample pdf that the error pops up in


Thank you for considering Aspose.

This is a known issue and we have not found the reason. Can you please update to Adobe reader 7.0 as workaround?


I can, but the users of the website can't. The company sell research papers and it is not reasonable to expect all their customers to have adobe reader 7. Is this an issue you are actively trying to solve?

I noticed another weird thing which may be related, my documents have a number of links in them which point to other research papers on the website, I noticed only some of them show the proper mouse cursor when you hover over them, others show just the hand. I wonder if these "bad links" are related to the problem.

Just had a bit more of a play, if I remove the links that show up as a hand rather than the hand with the w on top then the reports are viewable in 6.0.1, so it does seem to be related to this.

My only other thought at this stage is, is it possible that the problem is related to the trial version, I noticed some random characters get inserted by aspose.words, could these be causing the report to break? Could you guys try a report on a licensed version?

Thanks for providing the useful info. I think I have found the problem. I will try to fix it ASAP. Can you please provide your Word document and let me test it?

Excellent, doc attached


I just posted another forum (forgot the url) with another issue that only seems to happen with secured reports. If you click on the printer icon the message "The document could not printed" appears, I've detailed it in the other post, but thought I'd re-mention here incase its related.

I will check that problem too. I hope they are the same issue.

Please download hotfix 3.0.1.

Hi Tommy,

Yes it works fine now. Thanks for that, fantastic customer service!

I still have my printing error, I'll follow that up in my other pose

thanks again


Could you post the hotfix again?

Hi João,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Thank you for considering Aspose.Pdf.

Please download and try the latest version of Aspose.Pdf for .NET v6.6. If you face any problem, please share your sample code and template PDF file with us to show the issue. We will check it soon.

Thank You & Best Regards,