Error: Cannot add a style because a style with the same name already exists

I have the attached docx file
input.docx (15.1 KB)

that has few bookmarks. The bookmarks have the following format “italxxxx”. I want to put each bookmarked text into a one cell table in the document. I am trying the code below:

def insert_table(doc, text1):
    builder = aw.DocumentBuilder(doc)

    table = builder.start_table()

    table_style = doc.styles.add(aw.StyleType.TABLE, "MyTableStyle1").as_table_style()
    table_style.conditional_styles.first_row.shading.background_pattern_color = drawing.Color.green_yellow
    table_style.conditional_styles.first_row.shading.texture = aw.TextureIndex.TEXTURE_NONE = table_style

    return doc

def extract_content_from_bookmarks(doc):
    extracted_content = []
    for bk in doc.range.bookmarks:
        bookmark_name =
        if "ital" in bookmark_name:
            extracted_nodes_exclusive = ExtractContentHelper.extract_content(bk.bookmark_start, bk.bookmark_end, False)
            # Get the text content from the extracted nodes
            text_content = ""
            for node in extracted_nodes_exclusive:
                if node.node_type == aw.NodeType.RUN:
                    text_content += node.get_text()

           #  Insert the text content into the table
            insert_table(doc, text_content)

        print("Document saved successfully.")
    except Exception as e:
        print("Error occurred while saving the document:", e)

# Example usage
doc = aw.Document("input.docx")

When I run this code I get this error:
Cannot add a style because a style with the same name already exists

Any help is appreciated.

@ansar2024 The problem occurs because you are trying to add the style with the same name multiple times, i.e. for each bookmark the following line is executed:

 table_style = doc.styles.add(aw.StyleType.TABLE, "MyTableStyle1").as_table_style()

Please modify the code like this:

style_name = "MyTableStyle1"
style = doc.styles.get_by_name(style_name)
if style == None :
    style = doc.styles.add(aw.StyleType.TABLE, style_name)

table_style = style.as_table_style()
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It works. Thank you very much.

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