Error compressing PDF files

We are currently in the process of evaluating Aspose.PDF for Python via .NET for a critical use case within our organization. Our specific objective is to compress millions of PDF documents, and we are using a temporary license for testing purposes on sample files. However, we have encountered some technical difficulties during our evaluation process. The issues we are facing is in compressing the image size within the pdf using “image_compression_options” class, refer to error screenshot. The testing code is run in GCP workbench and Python 3.10.12 Notebook and source pdf files are being fetch from the bucket within the GCP environment.

for blob in blobs:


    # Download the PDF file from the source bucket
    input_blob = source_bucket.blob(
    input_data = input_blob.download_as_string()

    # Creating a BytesIO buffer to store the compressed PDF
    compressed_pdf_buffer = BytesIO()

    # Loading the PDF from input_data
    pdf_document = ap.Document(BytesIO(input_data))

    # Creating an object of OptimizationOptions class
    pdfoptimize_options = ap.optimization.OptimizationOptions()

    # Enabling image compression 
   #RuntimeError: Prox error(NotImplementedException): Not supported image type
    pdfoptimize_options.image_compression_options.compress_images = True

    # Setting the image quality
    pdfoptimize_options.image_compression_options.image_quality = 10

    # Compressing PDF

    # Saveing the compressed PDF to the BytesIO buffer

    # Defining the output path in the destination bucket
    output_path = f"{destination_folder_name}/com11_{os.path.basename(}"

    # Uploading the compressed PDF from the BytesIO buffer
    output_blob = destination_bucket.blob(output_path)
    output_blob.upload_from_file(compressed_pdf_buffer, content_type='application/pdf')

    print(f"PDF '{}' compressed and saved t'{destination_bucket_name}/dll_{output_path}'.")

We look forward to your response and appreciate your prompt attention to this matter
AsposeError.PNG (38.8 KB)


We need to investigate the issue. Can you please share your sample PDF document for our reference with which this issue has been occurring at your end? We will log an investigation ticket and share the ID with you.

Thank you for getting back to us.
The files we are looking to process are published research articles, please find attached link of example file.

Looking forward to your response

Thank you,


We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PDFPYTHON-150

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