Error Converting PPT to PDF


We are using Aspose.Slides and Aspose.PDF for converting PPT files (Office 97 to 2003) to PDF.

Attached are the PPT files which fail to convert to PDF.

Can you please let us know what the issue is?


Vedang Purohit

IntraLinks Inc.

Hi Vedang,

Thanks for your interest in Aspose.Slides.

Well, using Aspose.Slides for .NET, we were able to export the attached PPT documents to PDF. The following code was used to achieve the output attached as zip:

Presentation pres = new Presentation("d:\\ppt\\jan\\patel\\ppt1.ppt");

Presentation pres1 = new Presentation("d:\\ppt\\jan\\patel\\ppt2.ppt");

Presentation pres2 = new Presentation("d:\\ppt\\jan\\patel\\ppt3.ppt");

Presentation pres3 = new Presentation("d:\\ppt\\jan\\patel\\ppt4.ppt");

pres.Save("d:\\ppt\\jan\\patel\\ppp.pdf", Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pdf);

pres1.Save("d:\\ppt\\jan\\patel\\ppp1.pdf", Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pdf);

pres1.Save("d:\\ppt\\jan\\patel\\ppp2.pdf", Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pdf);

pres2.Save("d:\\ppt\\jan\\patel\\ppp3.pdf", Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pdf);

Please let us know, if there is some issue with these results.

Thanks and Best Regards