Error: Empty url in AddWebLink method

Found another error while testing conversions from word to pdf.
Do you have a workaround ?


[ArgumentException: Empty url in AddWebLink method.] Aspose.Pdf.Hypertext.h.a(Single[] A_0, String A_1) +320 Aspose.Pdf.Xml.i.a(b A_0, Pdf A_1, Text A_2, Int32 A_3) +3114 Aspose.Pdf.Xml.b.a(b A_0, Pdf A_1, Text A_2, Int32 A_3) +2688 A_0, Pdf A_1, c A_2) +4326 Aspose.Pdf.Xml.m.a(b A_0, Pdf A_1) +575 Aspose.Pdf.Xml.aa.a(b A_0, Pdf A_1) +210 

Dear Toby,

Thank you for considering Aspose.

The xml generated by Aspose.Word has some error about link. I have contacted the Aspose.Word team. And I have modified my code in the new hot fix to ignore this error.