Error in examples

I believe I’ve found a bug in your html to pdf examples. I pulled down the example repo at, built it, and uncommented line 168 of runexamples.cs and ran it. That threw an object not set to an instance error with a stack trace that I’ve never seen before. It looked like this:

at  …ctor(Stream , Byte[] )
at Aspose.Html.Rendering.MhtmlRenderer.(IDevice , Configuration , TimeSpan , Stream[] )
at Aspose.Html.Rendering.MhtmlRenderer.Render(IDevice device, Stream document, Configuration configuration, TimeSpan timeout)
at Aspose.Html.Rendering.MhtmlRenderer.Render(IDevice device, Stream document, Configuration configuration)
at  .( , IDevice )
at  . ( , PdfSaveOptions , ICreateStreamProvider )
at Aspose.Html.Converters.Converter.ConvertMHTML(Stream stream, PdfSaveOptions options, String outputPath)
at Aspose.Html.Examples.CSharp.ConvertingBetweenFormats.ConvertMHTMLToPDF.ConvertMHTMLFileToPDF() in C:_test\Aspose.HTML-for-.NET-master\Examples\CSharp\ConvertingBetweenFormats\ConvertMHTMLToPDF.cs:line 34
at Aspose.Html.Examples.CSharp.RunExamples.Main() in C:_test\Aspose.HTML-for-.NET-master\Examples\CSharp\RunExamples.cs:line 168

Any insight into what’s going on here would be greatly appreciated


I like to inform that we have worked with our sample project and issue is in our sample file. I have tested this with another file and unable to observe the issue. Please use your source file and share feedback with us if there is still an issue. We have already working on it to improve our source code and sample for so that our customer dont get interrupted while testing our products. We will resolve this as well. But I suggest you to use your own file and share feedback.