Error in license activation (Aspose Barcode C++)

Hello Madam/Sir,

I want to evaluate the Aspose Barcode Reader cpp library for benchmarking purposes. I have a trial license and I am trying to activate it as follows:

Aspose::BarCode::License license = new License();
     license->SetLicense(new String("Aspose.BarCode.CPP.lic"));
catch (const System::Exception& error)
    System::Console::WriteLine(u"Error: {0}", error->get_Message());
    return 1;

However, I am getting an error : ‘License’ is not a member of ‘Aspose::BarCode’

Could you please help me to solve this problem?

Thanks and regards
Raj Ardeshna


License class is there in the APIs. Please see the document for your reference. If you still find the issue, kindly do zip and attach a standalone sample VS.NET project, we will check it soon.

Hi @Amjad_Sahi, Thanks for your reply. I have checked both the references that you mentioned. However, that does not help.

To give you a better understanding of the problem, I am trying to run the code under Linux x64. It is the same example code that is shipped with the installation. I have just added the license specific details as mentioned in my previous post.


We will check your issue soon.
Please note and just for your information, we provide separate library for Linux platform in Downloads section (e.g., Aspose.BarCode for C++ 22.2 for Linux), so hopefully you are using the same version. By the way, for the time being, you may skip setting the licensing code and try other features/APIs if you got any issue?