Error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

When loading a PSD it throws the following error:

Unhandled exception.
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at .(TextOrientation ,  ,  )
   at .(Txt2Resource , Int32 , String , [], [] , TextOrientation )
ttreamContainer , Int32 , IColorPalette ,nt32 )
   at Aspose.PSD.FileFormats.Psd.PsdImage.SaveData(Stream stream)
   at Aspose.PSD.DataStreamSupporter.Save(Stream stream)
   at Aspose.PSD.DataStreamSupporter.Save(String filePath)
   at Kurryer.PsdEditor.Core

Code used:
object not set to an instance of an (1.3 KB)

Psd used: (318 Bytes)

Txt input used: (172 Bytes)

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system with high priority and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PSDNET-1827

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

I come again to see if there is anything new with this bug, or some work around to test because we have this psd in prod locked for several days.
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks

@cristianortegaethofy please check Aspose.PSD 23.12 Download PSD & PSB Files Ceation .NET DLL | Aspose.PSD API it will be published on Nuget in few days.

@Dmitriy.Sorokin Do you know the date it will be published? just to notify the client what dates it can be solved, in one or two weeks for example

@cristianortegaethofy please check nuget. Aspose.PSD 23.12 is published

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