Error:'Object reference not set' while saving Document using the Latest Aspose.Words.Net build

We are getting the following Error while Opening RTF files with Table content using latest Aspose.Words.Net Build.

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
" at Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.ᛈ()
 at ㎡.㑼.‼(Table ᝳ)
 at ㎡.㎠.VisitTableStart(Table table)
 at Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.Accept(DocumentVisitor visitor)
 at Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.Ռ(DocumentVisitor Ս)
 at Aspose.Words.Body.Accept(DocumentVisitor visitor)
 at Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.Ռ(DocumentVisitor Ս)
 at Aspose.Words.Section.Accept(DocumentVisitor visitor)
 at Aspose.Words.CompositeNode.Ռ(DocumentVisitor Ս)
 at Aspose.Words.Document.Accept(DocumentVisitor visitor)
 at ㎡.㎠.∫(≛ ∬)
 at Aspose.Words.Document.Ԅ(Stream ӽ, String ӻ, SaveFormat ԅ)
 at Aspose.Words.Document.Save(String fileName, SaveFormat fileFormat)

Following the Code generates the above error.

Document sourceDocument = new Document("Template.RTF");
sourceDocument.Save("Output.RTF", SaveFormat.Rtf);

Please let me know if any other details required.
Babu Kannan


Thanks for your request. Could you please attach your document here for testing? I will check the problem on my side and provide you more information.
Best regards,

thanks for your reply. i am here attatching the test document, whcich is throwing the same error when i try to save the document by using

Document sourceDocument = new Document("Test Document.doc");

please check the problem.
Thank you.

Thank you for additional information. I managed to reproduce the problem on my side. You will be notified as soon as it is fixed.
Best regards,


Any update on the issue?
Thank you.


Thanks for your request. Unfortunately, the issue is still unresolved. You will be notified as soon as it is fixed.

Best regards,

The issues you have found earlier (filed as 10247) have been fixed in this update.

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