Error Occurs when Converting a PowerPoint Presentation File to PDF in C#

When I try to convert some pptx files an error occurs:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object. -    at   .(Presentation , Stream , InterruptionToken )
   at Aspose.Slides.Presentation.(Stream , Boolean )
   at Aspose.Slides.Presentation.(Stream , Boolean )
   at Aspose.Slides.Presentation.(String , Boolean )
   at Aspose.Slides.Presentation.(String )
   at Aspose.Slides.Presentation..ctor(String file)
   at SEPDFConverter.Converters.PowerPointConverter.Convert() in /src/SEPDFConverter/Converters/PowerPointConverter.cs:line 11
   at SEPDFConverter.Converters.Converter.Convert(PDFConversionConfiguration config) in /src/SEPDFConverter/Converters/Converter.cs:line 22
   at SEPDFConverter.Service.ConverterService.Convert() in /src/SEPDFConverter/Service/ConverterService.cs:line 155

Thank you for contacting support.

Please check your results using the latest version of Aspose.Slides if it is possible. If the issue persists, please share the following data and information:

  • presentation file (you can zip the file and upload it here)
  • code example that reproduces the error
  • OS version on which the code was executed
  • .NET target platform in your app
  • Aspose.Slides version you used

I was unable to reproduce the error you encountered. Please share the rest of the information I mentioned above.

I updated to the latest version of Aspose.Slides and it solved the problem.

Thank you.

We are glad to know that the issue has been resolved on your end. Thank you for using Aspose.Slides.