Error processing area top must be positive

Reviewing the resolved bug, I tested a psd that continues to have this problem.

"The processing area top must be positive (Parameter 'areaToProcess') "
v2_error_area_must_be_positive.png (37.9 KB)

Input files
Inputs_area_mut_be_positive.7z (284 Bytes)

Code used: (1.2 KB)

If you identified what is causing the error, I could do a workaround to modify the psd or the code

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PSDNET-2084

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

Is there any workaround? I could modify the psd so that it doesn’t throw that error but I don’t know what layer it could be on. And another question, is there any estimate to resolve this ticket?

@cristianortegaethofy at this moment, task is planned on 24.10, but Aspose.PSD team will begin investigation of ArtBoard Layer processing soon, so possible, it’ll be fixed sooner.

We need a quick fix, which we thought was coming in version 24.6. Is there a date planned that will be soon?

@cristianortegaethofy Aspose.PSD Team will make additional investigation to speed up the bug fix. It looks like the bug will not be fixed in 24.7, but 24.8 can be a possible version where it will be fixed.

Ok, we would greatly appreciate it if it is resolved quickly. Or if there is a workaround in the meantime, which layer, style, etc. can be modified so that it does not throw this error.

@cristianortegaethofy Unfortunately, I can not provide any workaround. The issue is in the artboard layers. If you remove any of them in Photoshop, then issue will disappear. But the fix needs further investigation.

Is there any news or progress in solving this error?

@cristianortegaethofy the task is planned on 24.10, because firstly we need to add support of ArtBoard Layer.

ok, thank you for answer me, so aspose.psd doesn’t support artboards? I thought it was a bug, now I understand why we didn’t have the same problem in other psds before.

@cristianortegaethofy, yes currently artboards is not supported.
We are actively working and artboards are in the plans for the near future.

ok, we need to have support with artboards, we have many psds so we can’t use them because of this error since June. Is there a closer date for a solution? If there is progress with this I would greatly appreciate it.

@cristianortegaethofy we are trying to distribute working resource to implement support of ArtBoard. If there will be possibility to implement them earlier, we will try make it. ArtBoards have high priority.

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Hi! is there any progress on this issue?
On the other hand, we wanted to tell you that we have performed some tests and found the following: from Photoshop, when reducing the size (more than 400x600) and trimming the image, the PSD save is performed correctly. But when trying to resize or trim aspose.psd, we get the same error.

@cristianortegaethofy the team works on the developing of ArtBoard Layer Resources. Then, it will be possible to make separate rendering for ArtBoard.

Ok, just to confirm, is this task still planned for 24.10? According to the response given on June 19.