Error reading from INBOX via IGraphAPI

I am encountering an error in the GraphAPI while fetching emails from inbox

The following code

        GraphFolderInfo info = client.getFolder(GraphKnownFolders.Inbox);
        GraphMessageInfoCollection messageInfoColl2 = client.listMessages(info.getItemId());
        for (GraphMessageInfo messageInfo : messageInfoColl2) {

causes an

Exception in thread "main" AsposeBadServerResponceException: Server error [400] Operation failed.: 400/Bad Request
  "error": {
    "code": "BadRequest",
    "message": "Resource not found for the segment 'AAAA.....='.",
    "innerError": {
      "date": "2021-04-14T10:38:43",
      "request-id": "380......",
      "client-request-id": "380....."

From our proxy, i see that it tries to call
So it looks like the api considers the inbox folder to be a subfolder of inbox when using the actual itemId of the inbox folder…

Thank you for the issue description. I have logged the issue in our tracking system with ID EMAILJAVA-34859. Our development team will investigate it. I will inform you about any progress.

Our development team is working on a solution to the issue. But now you can use GraphKnownFolders.Inbox enumeration value instead of client.getFolder method as below:

GraphMessageInfoCollection messageInfoColl = client.listMessages(GraphKnownFolders.Inbox);
for (GraphMessageInfo messageInfo : messageInfoColl) {

Documentation: List Messages
API Reference: IGraphClient interface

Thanks! For the info. Unfortunately, using this workaround is really complex as my app has seperate functions for listing folders and getting the messages of a folder…

Along the same lines

GraphFolderInfo info = client.getFolder(GraphKnownFolders.Inbox);

causes the same error whereas


Results in a JSONObject["value"] not found.

The url called seems to be
so it looks to me like it misses the childFolders path

Thank you for the additional information. We will take it into account for investigation.

The issues you described have been fixed in a separate build: Aspose.Email 21.3.1. Please try to use it.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as EMAILJAVA-34859) have been fixed in this update.