Error - The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic assembly


Aspose.Words for .Net works fine on the development machine, but on the production machine it throws an exception (see attachment).

I simply copied the license file (Aspose.Words.lic) to the bin directory of my project. I can see that it is not published to the production server. But I cannot change the publishing settings for this file because it’s not part of the project in MSVS.

Would it be better to place it somewhere in the project and reference it explicitely?
What else can I do?


Hi Magnus,

Thanks for your inquiry. I am not sure what could be the exact cause of this problem; however, I would suggest you please do the following:

  1. In case you’re using an older version of Aspose.Words, please try upgrading to the latest version of Aspose.Words 16.3.0.
  2. Secondly, maybe you should embed the Aspose.Words.lic file in your application as an EmbeddedResource. Please read this article on how to include the License File as an Embedded Resource.

I hope, this helps.

Best regards,

A post was split to a new topic: Set License while Avoiding The Invoked Member is not Supported in a Dynamic Assembly Error